Moemi Yamamoto in Bratislava!

Exhibition in White & Weiss Gallery in Bratislava

Historicizing images, aesthetics out of step with current trends and narratives different from those we are used to in our cultural environment. The visual world of Japanese artist Moemi Yamamoto captivates at first sight. Her works open the door to unsettling situations between dream and reality, where exteriors merge with interiors and a wide range of emotions dominate the images. She creates the illusion of life existing in its own bubble and timelessness. It suggests an introspective experience that crosses the boundaries of ordinary perception.

Zátiší s černým stolem / Still Life with Black Table, 2024
tempera, olej na desce / tempera, oil on board
110 x 90 cm / 43 1/4 x 35 3/8 in
White & Weiss Gallery