Playing cards of obscure origin that have been used for centuries to interpret the future. A hermetic path filled with symbols leading to initiation. Fun and destiny at the same time. Twenty-two cards of the Major Arcana, authored by twenty-two contemporary authors. Moon, Star, Power, Wheel of Fortune, Devil, World, Fool and Last Judgement. Different signs, different meanings, different mediums. The Game of Everything...
Ondřej Basjuk / Radka Bodzewicz / Veronika Gabrielová / Jan Hísek / Klaudie Hlavatá / Jakub Hubálek /Jakub Janovský / Václav Jirásek / Sabina Knetlová / Jan Kostohryz / Pavlína Kvita / Jiří Marek / Karolína Netolická / Ivan Pinkava / Anna Ruth / Jan Rybníček /Dana Sahánková / Martin Salajka / Adriana Sarnová / Jakub Tytykalo / Jan Vytiska / Moemi Yamamoto.
Curator: Radek Wohlmuth